

Oct 18, 2023

Inside newbuild home riddled with issues including leaking toilet, wonky staircase & water pouring through roof

A HOME inspector has shared a shocking video of issues found in a new build home.

New Home Quality Control pointed out problems ranging from a leaky toilet to wonky stairs in the house.

The video on TikTok has gone viral as it shows the plethora of issues found in the property.

In the clip, the snagging expert says: "This extraction hood is completely loose.

"We've also got a massive chip in this sink pedestal... would you like some salt and vinegar to go with that?"

In the bathroom, an access lid to a tile column popped right off, and underneath, a PVC pipe was missing a valve.

They continued: "The toilet appears to be leaking. The developer needs to investigate and find out where it's leaking from."

The inspectors were also shocked to find fake weep vents on the outside brick work, calling it "shocking".

According to a damp proofing expert, fake weep vents are a way many construction companies cut corners - and if left undiscovered, it can cause big damages due to damp.

Another toilet in the home was running and bubbling, as the inspector joked: "This toilet is trying to tell us something. What are your secrets?"

One of the walls was 21mm slanted - over 13mm more than the legal limit.

The protective glove at the bottom of the metal garage door was left on, trapping water - which the inspectors said could have corroded if left unnoticed.

Looking at a door with hideous misplaced holes, they said: "The door butchers have been at it again. Drilling out hinges incorrectly. Why has that not been repaired?"

The new build mistakes horrified viewers.

One commented: "How hard is it to make a wall perfectly straight up and down. All the houses I’ve lived in have all had this issue!"

Another said: "I've seen toddlers with better building skills."

A shocked viewer asked: "How are houses being sold like this?"

It comes after a group of residents in north London shared the horror behind their newbuild home - and it's so bad, it could be valued at £0.

Within months of the first leaseholder moving in four years ago, the roof began leaking into the communal stairwell and terraces started letting in water, causing water damage to flats, residents say.

Interior and exterior walls of the flats have since started to crack, while some windows and doors no longer open and close properly, locals claim.

And the flats sold for between £700,000 and £900,000, are now valued at £0, the owners said.

Despite years of reports about the building cracking, bending and leaking, the insurance company that provided the 10-year warranty has not paid out.

Jewellery designer Alexandra Druzhinin, 49, who paid £900,000 for her apartment, echoed Daniel's criticisms.

She said: "We are completely trapped. We can't get away from this.

"I’m just absolutely drained. Not only have we lost the money we spent buying and renovating the flat, and the legal fees – but now we stand a chance of losing everything we own because we can't get insurance."